
Happy Birthday Sweet 16

~Neil Sedaka ("happy birthday sweet 16")

On a whim last night (yeah, you could say i was a little bored), i took the RealAge test for fun. i was on pins and needles (but not really) all night to find out if i was "older" or "younger" than my chronological age due to health, hygiene, life risks and family history. i was surprised to see this evening when i checked my email that my age was indeed younger. How much younger, you ask?


Wow. At the ripe old age of 23.5 (yes, i still celebrate my half birthday every New Years Day, shut up!), being 7.6 years younger than i really am is hardly something i can get pumped about! All my friends who are nearing 30 keep telling me to enjoy being so young, but every birthday, i can't help but wonder what it will be like to be one year older - i'm always looking forward, i guess you could say. Maybe it's because i've always felt that i have to wait until things really take off in my life. i'm beginning to see that's silly...

Anyhow, i found this amusing and thought i would share. Some things keeping me young (according to the test)? Vechicle size, no ovarian cancer in family, flexibility training, education level, and medication use (in that I use absolutely none). Things making me older? Social network and stress, driving speeds, flossing habits (hey! i floss now!), and low unsaturated fat. One thing that was refreshing to see on the lists of positives was "Ideal BMI." Even though we all know that BMI is a bunch of hogwash, since it seems i'm continually striving to be more healthy and thin, it's good to know i'm pretty healthy even now...

Anyways, i'm so excited for my sweet 16 party - it's going to be super neato! Maybe my parents will have Justin Timberlake come sing Happy Birthday to me! Or, even better, SexyBack.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ah "waiting for life to take off" i know what you mean... i know what you mean...
seriously, where is the line between patience and resignation/apathy/compromise? how do i have faith in God's plan for my life in the face of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENING?