
Hibernation is a lonely word, so wake me up!

~Splendour Hyaline (“The Restless Slumber of Dry Kindling”)

I’m pretty sure no one reads my blog anymore, so regretting the fact that I haven’t been as witty, entertaining or humorous lately as I mean to be is probably a waste. However, my life is most enjoyable (to me) when I have funny, strange and awkward stories to tell, and it’s been a while since I’ve had a week that compared to last week. I’ve been hoping and praying for a more exciting life, and I think I got my wish in an interesting way this time.

Warmth made a very welcome cameo appearance in the form of three 70+ degree days and then came back for the weekend, which allowed me to have the most awesome run of my entire, short lived, running “career” (if you can call it that), get outside on my bike for the first time in 2 months and hike with my friend Abbey in lava fields! The run was semi-epic in that I started a tad late and finished in the pitch black...maybe that’s the motivation I need to run fast! But, it couldn’t compare to the weirdest bike ride I’ve had in recent memory...

I felt alright on the bike, but not as good as I expected given that I’ve been riding trainer and running quite a bit, so I decided to do a relatively flat ride out in the boonies of eastern Bend (complete with tons of deer, rodents, tumbleweed, horses, and one seriously smelly landfill). As I was riding past some grazing deer that ran away from me, I randomly contemplated what my course of action would be if an animal unexpectedly chased me while I was on the bike. I wish I had had some wood to knock on, because not 5 miles later, out of the blue come running some angry shepherd dogs out of a driveway with their chops aiming for my tires...or perhaps a piece of leg. It was a complete miracle that I didn’t hit one of them and totally crash, but instead I maneuvered around them at about 20 mph and they proceeded to chase me, one on each side. At this point, you can rest assured I wasn’t just going 20... As I started to break away while yelling at the dogs (do cusswords translate in “dog”?), I had pictures in my head of going down, getting ripped to shreds by the pavement, and then mercilessly by these two dogs. Thank God for adrenaline and leg muscles.

But of course, that wasn’t all. I flatted for the first time out on a ride by myself ever (I’m a lucky girl; I’ve been riding for 3.5 years) about 5 miles after that. Luckily I’m now the proud owner of CO2 cartridges, so I was back on the bike in about 15 minutes (I was impressed by that, Alan won’t be). 24 miles later, I was home safe just in time for my cousin Jimmy (who is on a 50-day long road trip across the US) to come visit for the night, which was a blast.

I started both my volunteering positions last week also, which both went quite well. I never thought I would enjoy working with Jr Highers, but MAN those kids are funny and as awkward as I still am. I, of course, have an “in” with most of them since I’m so tall, and apparently they were intrigued by that...maybe it’s the misfit mentality. More on this later, I’m sure.

The week rounded out with an accidental date (I’m not kidding), a new interest in learning how to code (followed by my first coding lesson), a crappy run on Sunday (I got sick and was forced to sling a deuce in the bushes with about 3 miles to go...nice), and then a great hike up Lava Butte the same day with Abbey.

But even so, it was a really emotionally tough week at work and in life. I can’t fully explain it, and have been convicted lately that I need to work on being more positive because I have very little to complain about. My dad was informed he’d be laid off in March (along with his whole group as their project is being moved elsewhere) from a company he has faithfully served for 18 years, which is tough but also a very good thing for him, I pray, since he needs to do something he loves for the rest of his career. In addition, I am more and more convinced every day that I met the perfect guy for me a couple months ago, and would be very excited about this if he wasn’t living in another country and I wasn’t stuck in Oregon constantly thinking about him and wanting to get to know him better. It’s rough, but I’m realizing because of this weird situation that I’m picky in the right ways, never willing to settle for anything less than him, and am fully willing to wait for him to return if it's "meant to be" (how cliche, right?). How I figure out if it's meant to be is yet to be determined...but I really hope it is.

What a wacky week!


you're barely breathing tonight

~Barcelona (Lesser Things)

What a month it has been! In the last 3 weekends, I’ve had 5 family visitors (Uncle Bob and Susan, Mom and Dad, and Jennyfern!), ramped up my running schedule, seen WAY too much snow, went clubbing for the first time (that may warrant its own post at a later date), and have gotten inspired.

I’ve been having a hard time motivating myself in several areas these last months. I have the desire to start volunteering here in Bend, get more involved with my awesome church, spend more time with friends outside of work, start running at least 4 times a week, make some long overdue phone calls to friends all around the country, and most importantly, invest more in the relationship I have with God that I’ve been putting on the backburner way too much this year. But, I don’t have enough drive to get there.

That is, until these past couple weeks. I’ve seen what my life can really be here in Bend (even though change is on the horizon) by having fun with friends, being more active and choosing to spend more time with God.

Because I’ve had so much fun and done so many things these past weeks, I got really inspired last weekend in many ways. Volunteering – I have an application in to work for an organization called Healing Reins. Church – I am going to see if there is a place for me in the youth group leadership. Friendships – I am going to continue hosting events, even if it costs me the money I’m dearly trying to save for another round of grad school and hopefully some fun travel before that. Running – I’m trying for my first 4 a week runs this week, and started it off by running 12.5 miles on Sunday!

You read that correctly. Katie- I have always hated running-Klug ran just shy of a half marathon on Sunday. I can’t believe it either. Now, this would be more impressive if I did it without stopping, but I instead saved gas by running to a birthday party and then running home. I wasn’t too happy the last 3 miles (could be those tortilla chips), but I made it...now I realize I have a lot of training left to do before November 25th. Still, it’s cool to run further than I ever have each time I increase my distance.

I’ve always been a bit of an “enviro-freak” (although I have definite room for improvement), and running 12.5 miles to save gas was a decent effort, I thought, but the Bend Fall Festival this weekend really opened my eyes to the cool things one person CAN do to help the world. Check out these two awesome vendors:


Here’s to living a great, healthy, and meaningful life and never ceasing to work on myself!