
oh God, hold them now

~David Crowder Band

May 2nd: what were you doing?

On the other side of the world, a cyclone hit Myanmar (Burma) with a force I still cannot fathom. Yesterday they estimated 22,500 dead and 41,000 missing. Two Million people are displaced. Today, sources say they believe the death toll will reach 100,000. One Hundred Thousand Human Beings. God cares about them and loves them just as much as you and me.

I think we, as Americans, who are still shaken by Hurricane Katrina (which killed 1,900 people), cannot begin to understand the horror of this situation. I am deeply saddened, but I know I'm nowhere near being able to grasp the suffering that is occuring and will continue to go on until Myanmar's government fully accepts international aid and the whole world comes together in this time of unbeliveable tragedy.

So, what can you do? PRAY. GIVE to the fullest extent possible, then give more. And, please, don't turn your back just because it's overwhelming or because you have no idea where Burma is - these people need our help NOW.

A few organizations to choose from:

Partners World

World Vision

Save the Children
Quest Church
World Aid in Seattle (no website)
Global Giving

Check out:
Associated Press

"Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray...You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil...spread your protection over them..." excerpts from Psalm 5

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