malbec ("dawn of our age")It is time to plug a very important conference going on in Portland, Oregon on April 12th. If you're anywhere within traveling distance,
PLEASE come.
Bound: The Global Slave Trade.
The global slave trade is an issue that is now receiving more attention than it has in the past, which is encouraging. Yet, very few can actually grasp how horrible things are in
all parts of the world - the US included. This is a huge issue that I can't even begin to explain on my blog, but it is well worth your time to do some research and figure out how you can help the thousands of innocents daily forced to provide goods, sex, labor, et cetera to a world that simply turns its head and fails to acknowledge how evil these deeds are.
Take time. Inform yourself. Pray. Get involved. Don't ignore this immensely serious issue. Join me at the conference on April 12th if you possibly can.
A few websites to check out:
Garden of HopeInternational Justice MissionOasisStop the TraffikWorld VisionViva NetworkAmnesty InternationalPlease comment and add more helpful links!
i did not know about this conference and all i can say is: This is Awesome! (not the fact that it's necessary, but the fact that it exists and people are becoming organized about fighting human trafficking). I would like to contribute just a little bit; i don't think you had it posted, but to be completely honest, i just read the first few links.
This organization is called "Ten Thousand Villages" and is an organization that develops fair-trade relationships with craftsman group around the world. some of these groups (i believe) are at least partially staffed by former victims of human trafficking. in summary: Ten Thousand Villages offers a potential way out of human trafficking.
sorry if it sounds like i'm grasping at straws, but it's because i am; you stole all the good organizations already
that's funny, my cousin and soon to be cousin-in-law registered at Ten Thousand Villages, and I wasn't aware that is was "fair trade"...so good! thanks!
so proud...
David Batstone is heading up the Not for Sale Campaign: www.notforsalecampaign.org. He has a book out called "Not for Sale". I haven't read the whole thing, but from what I can tell it is more explanatory than IJM's Gary Haugen's book on the same topic. Batstone's group call themselves the New Abolitionists. Also, sojo has a discussion guide on human trafficking (as well as articles about the topic and Batstone). www.sojo.net. Also, you can look into the Polaris Project: www.polarisproject.org.
Another fair trade etc. org is global exchange (www.globalexchange.org). And if you want some good coffee/chocolate check out equal exchange (www.equalexchange.org). For other coffee, try Counter Culture (higher than fair trade, sustainable, and really good) and of course Stumptown Coffee (yay for the NW!) No Sweat has sweatshop free, union made shirts (nosweatapparel.com). If you want a more extensive list (because we could go on and on about coffee and other things) let me know. I have a friend who was an environmental studies major and knows copious amounts of things about sustainability, farming/ag, food, etc., etc. and she would probably love to compile some sort of something for you. She's amazing.
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