
maybe we can see a movie or maybe we can see a play, on saturday

~Jill Scott ("A long walk")

On a daily basis, when I sign out of hotmail, I'm redirected to MSN, which offers all sorts of dating/singles articles about how to land a date with your crush in the office, or once you've secured said date, how you might not act like a complete imbecile in order to ensure a second.

Today, I found the article more amusing than usual. Decently wise (especially the parts about cologne and texting) and very witty even. Too bad the advice is for dudes... The lists of "to dos" and "to don'ts" always makes me wonder if the traditional pressures of A [perfect] DATE causes guys to ask girls out less these days...maybe so. Or maybe there are a host of reasons, including the fact that girls need to do some of the work, too.

What ever happened to arranged marriages? They really cut out all the stress.


dragonsfiresoul said...

Yeah, that article was pretty awesome. I might have to show some other people that... hehe. I especially like the last part "If she answers the phone "Sam's Pizza" and pretends you've got the wrong number, all bets are off." Haha. I miss you too! Yes, we should totally schedule something. Anything. Just let me know what would work for you. At the moment I'm working the late shift M-F (it may change in the near future), and I can schedule some days off (as long as its within a week). Hope we can hang out sometime relatively soon!

Unknown said...

yeah, i got a laugh out of that. yet you've got a valid question; personally speaking - i don't ask girls out on dates for many reasons:
1) the cool ones are always married (at least here at home)
2) MONEY. never have it. kinda need it. unless she likes riding the handlebars of your second-hand bike to the park to watch the sunset and back to your place to eat Ramen.
3) energy. i was always so exhausted during school. still am, come to think of it.
4) the sheer TERROR of being rejected by a person you see every single day of your life (or close enough to it)
5) the sheer TERROR of not being rejected and getting married somewhere in the visible future
6) being really crappy company because you are miserable from points 2 & 3

Kt said...

all valid points, chad :)

i think most guys and girls are both terrified to put themselves out there, which is something that wasn't clear to me until college. but that begs the question - how do some get over it and actually enter into a successful relationship? It's still a mystery to me, but most tell me "it just happens"...i think there's something to that advice my parents always gave me: hang out with folks in groups and then see what happens.

don't worry about money, though...the good ones will love a creative budget date!

Anonymous said...

My favorite are the "Don't drink more than she does," and the even better "Don't drink less than she does" rules.

At least in group settings, you never feel more like an alcoholic when you order a drink and then the others say "I'll just have water."