
when you fell, you fell toward me

~Barcelona (please don't go)

One of my pastors played this video at church today as an example of the beauty of the vast creation on this earth. At first, I thought "what's the big deal?" (and, I have to admit, it looked a little CGI to me), even though it features my favorite song by the band Barcelona, who went to my college and graduated the same year I did (claim to fame!). But, then, remembering tonight amidst hardcore stress (and procrastination, obviously) that it was a very calm video, I thought I'd look it up on the interwebs.

Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world - (song is Please don't go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.

What I have found, after watching it a couple more times and learning more about this aquarium in Japan, is peace, amazement (in the creatures themselves, the technological feat of such a huge single sheet of acrylic glass and in how a video shot in such a manner can be so impacting), and interest in how I seem to miss out on some huge internet sensations (this video itself has been viewed almost 4 million times, and it's only been posted since July!).

Coincidentally, I've experienced the same feeling twice this week: the other was The Office wedding episode (one of the best ever, in my opinion) where they mimic the "wedding dance" video that was all the rage this summer (29 million views since July! crazy.)...which I also hadn't seen. I need to get with the program! Or maybe I don't. I keep wondering if I'm going to have to care more about pop culture when I'm a high school teacher or just forget completely trying to be "now" and just be myself - you know, the one who doesn't listen to the radio, barely watches TV and doesn't care about sports that much anymore.

As a general rule, I avoid paying money and spying on animals/sealife in forced captivity, but I have a strange desire to go to Japan now... Random factoid: this is the second largest aquarium in the world. Where is the largest? Dubai, of course, in a mega-mall: 12 million square feet and 1,200 stores. Yikes.

Whatever. Just watch the video.

1 comment:

kari! said...

ooh ahh i found your blog!

that song is fantastic! and the video haunting, but in a good way. they showed that at quest? i miss it! thanks for sharing.