~Weepies "Not your year"
I had lunch today with one of my favorite grad school profs and her daughter, and as we discussed the ins and outs of classroom management, the horrors of student teaching and my cluelessness about pensions, we also landed on the weight loss topic (why does it always come to this?). She has been trying a new support system for weight loss and has lost 8 lbs in several months (at least she's going the right direction, I said), but related "I have no excuse - I have all the time in the world and this great support system, and I'm hardly scratching the surface." When I agreed and shared my personal frustrations, she said, "well, maybe it's just not your year."
Maybe it's not your year, Katie.
That phrase carries infinitely more weight than she realized.
For those of you who have been a part of my life these last 12 months (and, let's be honest, really the last six years) know that weight struggles play more of a dominant role in my life (thoughts, priorities, self-esteem...the list goes on and on and ON) than I ever imagined and that this year in particular has been unbelievably rough on so many levels. Resigning from my first "real-world" job, voluntarily sacrificing my independence in the name of saving money, trying to resume the life of someone who I am no longer while slowly realizing the person I am is less passionate and more caustic, feeling too far removed to invest in people or make positive contributions, being challenged and doubting my abilities, struggling with life-altering questions and decisions, losing a dear loved one much too soon, giving into the lies of western body image, damaging my health, allowing selfishness to overtake me...
I now more often see the glass half empty. That has never been me. I wish so badly it wasn't me now.
In some ways, I have tried to convince myself that this web of depression, apathy, confusion, self-pity, embarrassment, lethargy and denial is something I weaved all on my own and therefore can and must deconstruct on my own. Then, sometimes I search for a scapegoat (any scapegoat!) to explain away my excessive weight gain, imploding self-esteem and, ultimately, my lack of participation in life. I cringe when I realize all I have missed out on and all of the negative messages I have believed about myself and this life because of what has transpired this past year, and sometimes it just seems like it will be too hard to fix.
Better just suck it up and deal with it, Katie...you DO realize how good you have it, right?
Right. I do get it. I am blessed in so many ways - some I am fully happy and thankful for, others I feel a little guilty or ashamed about. I guess that's the double-edged sword of growing up in america to a stable, successful and loving family. Not that I'm complaining, but if I don't change now, what will I miss out on in the future because I am out of shape, feel chubby and inadequate, don't have the motivation, or worse, just don't care?
Maybe it's just not your year.
Maybe it's not, and perhaps that simple phrase will be the beginning to finding peace amidst the gloom. Maybe, miraculously and at an unknown time, a light-switch will turn on in me and I will change the course of this boat. But, how long can I milk this phrase which begs the questions: 1) is it okay to waste a year of life? 2) is it incredibly selfish to feel like I'm wasting my life when I'm so privileged? 3) are my issues a lack of willpower, something more mysterious or something less controllable? 4) am I allowed some self-pity in a rather large "valley" in the topography of my life? 5) how long can I fake it?
I risk a great deal by writing these things in public. I risk coming across as a neurotic self-diagnosing drama-queen, though I am simply attempting to relate my true feelings. I risk judgement or, worse, pity from the people I love. Yet, the wall I have constructed to protect myself from my own reality is likely large enough to deflect the arrows of others. What concerns me most is the removal of the arrows, bows and quills on the inside of that wall. I have labored all year to rid myself of them, but I have never been good at taking "baby steps" and thus, accept failure on a daily basis. I want change and I want it quickly, and this is why I find myself how I am tonight: inexplicably sad, frustrated, tired, uninspired and wanting to escape.
All these feelings in the midst of a very good summer in many ways. That glass is half full. I am loved and undeservedly blessed. I have worth and skills to utilize. I know it in the rational sense of the word. But, I need to KNOW it in that more mystical sense - this is uncharted waters and it scares me. Full speed ahead.
Now enough of these obnoxious metaphors and time for bed.
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I thought I had commented on this post already, but I guess I only did it IN MY HEAD. (Sadly, I wish that was not such a common occurrence with me...)
Anyway, I just wanted to say that "suck it up" has never worked for me. I tried that for many years, too. Yes, you have many blessings, etc, but shaming yourself about not feeling better doesn't work. Anyway, it stopped working for me when I was about 30. I did a lot of work (and yes, started taking meds) after that and have finally come out on the other side. (mostly)
Please let me know if you ever want to talk, etc. Reading your post reminds me so much of how I felt. I felt like "ditto. ditto. ditto." while reading it.
Glad you can share how it's really going.
And I also have a great song for you. It got be through 2006, which sucked for me in all sorts of ways. Seriously, I could not wait for that year to be over! It's "This Year" by the Mountain Goats. I blipped it for you here: ♫ http://blip.fm/~bngjy
glad I'm not alone! thanks, leah. the cool thing (that I don't remember often enough) is that there have been really great blessings amongst all the shit going on this year. just enough to where I feel really guilty for being so negative and withdrawn, but i try to be happy about those and am really trying to make small positive changes. it may take a long time, and looking in the mirror is often depressing, but I'm trying to daily remind myself that my appearance is not who i am and shouldn't dictate who i am either. at the same time, it's so important to me to take care of this body the Lord has given me and enjoy life! easier said than done :)
glad I'm not alone! thanks, leah. the cool thing (that I don't remember often enough) is that there have been really great blessings amongst all the shit going on this year. just enough to where I feel really guilty for being so negative and withdrawn, but i try to be happy about those and am really trying to make small positive changes. it may take a long time, and looking in the mirror is often depressing, but I'm trying to daily remind myself that my appearance is not who i am and shouldn't dictate who i am either. at the same time, it's so important to me to take care of this body the Lord has given me and enjoy life! easier said than done :)
darn that pushing the button twice! :)
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