~Simon and Garfunkel (For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her)
Running through downtown Bend in spandex and insane face makeup in the snow on camera. Cramming for the Praxis Chemistry and Physics exams with few hours left. Planning a wedding in two weeks. Bear-sighting on a Rouge River backpacking trip. Les Miserables in London. Handling a puker, a crier and sleep screamer all in my first night as a counselor. Getting pooed on by a bird in Stockholm. Miracles. Riding a gargantuan Belgian draft horse and getting bucked off by a Belgian pony. Wandering down deserted Venecian corridors. Rostbratwurst, Stroopwafels, Haribo, Milka and Berliner Pilsner. Witnessing the impact and artifacts of communism and war. Hospitality. Incessantly singing Flight of the Conchords songs with camp friends. Starting graduate school completely unprepared. Meeting people from all over the globe. Reconnecting with friends from home. Getting pulled over on foot twice by Panamanian police. The best and the worst of hostels. Going entire days without hearing English. The Phantom of the Opera in Seattle. Buying blown glass beads where it all began in Murano, Italy. Snowshoeing on a golf course in Bellevue.
Running through downtown Bend in spandex and insane face makeup in the snow on camera. Cramming for the Praxis Chemistry and Physics exams with few hours left. Planning a wedding in two weeks. Bear-sighting on a Rouge River backpacking trip. Les Miserables in London. Handling a puker, a crier and sleep screamer all in my first night as a counselor. Getting pooed on by a bird in Stockholm. Miracles. Riding a gargantuan Belgian draft horse and getting bucked off by a Belgian pony. Wandering down deserted Venecian corridors. Rostbratwurst, Stroopwafels, Haribo, Milka and Berliner Pilsner. Witnessing the impact and artifacts of communism and war. Hospitality. Incessantly singing Flight of the Conchords songs with camp friends. Starting graduate school completely unprepared. Meeting people from all over the globe. Reconnecting with friends from home. Getting pulled over on foot twice by Panamanian police. The best and the worst of hostels. Going entire days without hearing English. The Phantom of the Opera in Seattle. Buying blown glass beads where it all began in Murano, Italy. Snowshoeing on a golf course in Bellevue.

In a year flanked with two huge snow storms (one in Bend, one in Seattle), much has transpired. In general, I get really tired of seeing “this year in review” articles on every website and specials on TV as the year draws to a close. Why is it so important to evaluate the past year for only a day or week? Shouldn’t I be constantly evaluating and making sure I’m on the track I need and want to be on? But then again, there is something valuable about reflection and introspection, and if New Years Eve is the time to do it, that’s okay. Or, in my case, January 2nd.
Three cities of residence, six new countries visited, seven cabins of crazy camp girls, three teacher tests passed, four jobs, three amazing and individual weddings (three missed also), five awesome concerts, one new president that I have high hopes for, six new stamps in my passport, one radical junior high youth group that I miss quite a bit, hundreds of miles walked and beautiful sights seen, and countless new friends.
That pretty much sums up my year. It’s had its ups and many downs both personally and globally and I certainly have goals and hopes for change and health in the coming year. But, I have been so blessed by opportunity, adventure, independence, excitement, new friendship, challenge and growth this year. As I enter 2009 with trepidation, much curiosity, some regret and more travel on my mind, may I recall the faithfulness and presence of God throughout my life, especially the past year. I pray that your next 12 months will afford you opportunities to play, think, enjoy, learn, experience, create and impact. Your current reality may not be ideal (as it is with mine), but live life to its fullest wherever you are. I’ll try to do the same.
“I’ve thrown myself headlong into your arms-
I’m celebrating your rescue.
I’m singing at the top of my lungs,
I’m so full of answered prayers!”
~Psalm 13 (The Message)
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