Signs of the apocalypse. Let me set the scene for you: January 5, 2009, around 10:30am, this girl will (perhaps) realize that she is about to step into a college general chemistry course at SPU for the first time. "What?" you say. "Katie, you took general chemistry in 2002 at SPU!"
You're right. But this time...I'll be teaching it. Oh holy night. In some strange twist of fate and/or gross overestimation of my skills, I've been hired as a full-time adjunct Chemistry professor at SPU for winter quarter and for one class spring quarter. I have an office. A computer. A teacher's edition of the textbook. A barf bag on hand for when I come to my senses and realize I'm going to be responsible for about 75 university students in less than two months while also taking my own university courses. My professors, now peers. My peers, now my sheep to herd. The universe may implode.
A view of the registration options:

..and, get this: they're trusting me to teach an upper division PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY course! It's going to be quite an eleven-week cluster#%*@.

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